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Christian Merli racing the Osella PA 21 4C Turbo LRM in Croatia

Having won the 2023 European hill climb championship and most recently the two races in St. Agatha/Austria and Cividale/Italy, Christian Merli will be racing the Osella PA 21 4C LRM at the 17th Nagrada Grada Skradina in Croatia on Sunday.

A 500 kg two-seater open sports car with a 1170 cm3 Peugeot turbo engine which produces 400 hp. A track between Zadar and Split, about 400 km from Trieste, where the Scuderia Vimotorsport driver won in 2020.

Leaving the FA 30 at home
“It has been a fantastic season, and now I’m returning to this two-seater to continue developing it after it’s been modified. I raced this prototype at the beginning of the season and at the Trento – Bondone, where we nearly made the podium despite problems with the supercharged engine. The car has 400 hp and weighs 500 kg. This is a beautiful place, the organisers are very hospitable, and friends and fans have also asked us to be there. In addition Alexander Hin from Germany will be racing here with the Osella FA 30 which we take care of. There will be three practice runs on the 3,385 km track on Saturday, and two race runs on Sunday. The track has a number of medium-slow bends with straights to be taken in sixth gear.”

Translation by Ruth Scheithauer

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