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Christian Merli racing at the 20th Subida Arona at Tenerife

On Saturday, 2023 European hill climb champion Christian Merli is racing at the 20th edition of the Subida Arona – La Escalona in the south of Tenerife, Canary Islands. His Osella FA 30 Judd LRM will be sporting the competition number 1.

The Spanish hill climb
“There will be a practice run on Saturday morning and two race runs in the afternoon, with the better time being retained. We’ll be competing against seven other 3-litre prototypes. The track is fast and 4.400 km long. It starts immediately with wide, third-gear hairpins with straights between them. Half way through, there is a series of fast double bends, then there are more straights and tight hairpins, followed by a final stretch with third-gear corners.”
Follow the event on the website of the XX Salita Arona – La Escalona (escuderiazapatera.com).

Translation by Ruth Scheithauer

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